Small Business Website Design

We’re really good at making websites for small businesses. Our team ensures your website looks great, works smoothly, and helps you connect with customers.

We focus on making your website easy to use and secure. Let us help you build a strong online presence for your small business.

Small Business website design

Top 5 pages for Small Business website design

When designing a website for a small business, here are the top 5 essential pages along with content information:

Home Page

Content Information:

  • Introduction: A brief introduction to your small business, highlighting your key services or products.
  • Hero Image/Video: A visually appealing image or video that represents your business.
  • Call to Action: Prominent buttons or links encouraging visitors to learn more, contact you, or make a purchase.
  • Testimonials: Short quotes from satisfied customers to build trust.
  • Contact Information: Basic contact details for easy accessibility.

About Us

Content Information:

  • Business Story: A narrative about the origins and journey of your small business.
  • Mission Statement: Clearly defined goals and values of your business.
  • Team Profiles: Photos and bios of key team members to personalize your business.
  • Awards and Recognitions: Any accolades or certifications your business has received.
  • Community Involvement: Information about your business’s role in the local community.


Content Information:

  • Detailed Descriptions: Comprehensive details about each service or product you offer.
  • Pricing Information: Transparent pricing or a link to request a quote.
  • Images or Videos: High-quality images or videos showcasing your services/products.
  • Features and Benefits: Highlight the unique features and benefits of your offerings.
  • Customer Reviews: Reviews or testimonials specific to each service or product.


Content Information:

  • Latest Updates: Regular posts about industry news, business updates, or relevant topics.
  • Educational Content: Articles, how-tos, and tips related to your business or industry.
  • Guest Posts: Contributions from industry experts or partners.
  • Company News: Updates on milestones, new hires, or business expansions.
  • Engagement: Comment sections or social media share buttons to encourage interaction.

Contact Us

Content Information:

  • Contact Form: A simple form for visitors to get in touch with you.
  • Location Map: An embedded map with your business location.
  • Phone Number: Direct phone number for immediate contact.
  • Email Address: Email address for inquiries and support.
  • Business Hours: Operating hours for visitors to know when you are available.
  • Social Media Links: Links to your business’s social media profiles.

Additional Pages to Consider:


  • Showcase of past projects or products with descriptions and images.


  • A dedicated page for detailed customer reviews and success stories.


  • Frequently asked questions and answers about your services/products.

Terms and Conditions/Privacy Policy

  • Legal information and policies regarding the use of your website and services.


  • Job listings and application information for potential employees.

These pages ensure a comprehensive, user-friendly, and engaging website for your small business.

Free Basic One Page SEO for Small Business Websites

We offer a free Basic One Page SEO package for small business websites. This means we’ll improve one page of your website for search engines, making it easier for people to find your services online. Contact us to learn more about this free offer and how it can help your small business website.

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  • Small Business Website Design Services

What is the total cost for the Small Business website?

Small business websites start at around $900, including free basic SEO and Google Analytics. Prices might change based on features and pages. Contact the Mc Starters team for a custom quote.

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