$800 is Price.

Total Cost For Business Websites

5 to 10 Pages Websites.

  1. Homepage
  2. About Us
  3. Services Page
    • 3 Single Services pages
  4. Blog/Articles
    • Here you can post educational content related to business.
  5. Testimonials:
    • Add customer reviews and testimonials
    • Video testimonials for added credibility
  6. Contact Us:
    • Contact information (address, phone number, email)
    • Contact form for inquiries or feedback
    • Social media links for further engagement
  7. FAQs:
    • Add commonly asked questions about business, pricing, etc.
  8. Gallery:
    • Photos and videos of business.
  9. Privacy Policy and Terms of Service:
    • Legal information regarding data privacy and website usage
    • Terms and conditions for using the website
  10. Site Search Functionality:
    • Search bar to help users find specific content quickly
  11. Sitemap:
    • A visual or text-based map of the website’s structure for navigation . Best for seo.
  12. 3 bonus page relate to your Business.

Free Basic One Page Seo

  1. Setup Google Search console Account.
  2. Submit Sitemap.
  3. Create robots.txt file.
  4. Setup Complete Rank Math SEO plugins.
    • Install and activate Rank Math plugin.
    • Complete Configure of plugin.
      • Setup Wizard
      • Connect Search Console
      • Connect Analytics
      • Submit XML Sitemap
      • Create Html Sitemap
      • Complete configuration of general settings
      • Setup 404 + Redirections
      • Schema Markup setup
      • Configure Image SEO Module
      • Configure SEO Analysis Module
      • Configure Redirections Module
      • WordPress Breadcrumbs
Mc Starters Reviews
Edwin Lyngar

Your final expense will be $900. Contact Now!

Our price is $800 and approx. $100 is the domain and hosting expense. Contact us now, we will be happy to share more details.